Adoption Policies
Ma, Paws, & Me Pet Rescue Adoption Policies
If you are interested in adopting any animal from our rescue, you must submit an adoption application to be preapproved. You can find the application here and submit it electronically or download the application and attach the completed application to an email and send it to the Ma, Paws, & Me Pet Rescue at mapawsmepetrescue@gmail.com You can also mail the application to PO Box 704, Watertown, WI 53094
Once the application is received, the approval process will take approximately 7-10 business days and you will be contacted as soon as it is completed. As a part of the approval process:
We verify home ownership or get approval from your landlord. We do this because one of the top 10 reasons animals are surrendered is "landlord does not allow pets"
We also check on a working relationship with a veterinarian for any currently or previously owned pets. This shows us your intent to provide any needed medical attention for the new pet and that you will comply with state and local ordinances. Please call your vet and give them permission to release information from your pet(s) records to us.
A home check is required prior to final approval of your application
We will require:
All adults living in the household have given their consent to adopt an animal.
You must have a valid ID with current address.
You must be at least 25 years of age.
You must live within Southeastern and Central WI.
All pets currently in your home are current on shots, spayed/neutered, must be annually heartworm tested and kept on heartworm preventatives year round.
Any previously owned pets must have been kept current on shots, spayed/neutered, and were heartworm tested annually and kept on heartworm preventatives year round.
You have never surrendered an animal to a shelter or re-homed an animal.
No children under the age of 4 living in the home.
Find additional information regarding our Rescue Policies via the links below: